петак, 28. фебруар 2014.

Guide to women's charm

Healthy body is the foundation of beauty. Without it, your eyes do not shine, and the complexion is unsightly. Stars of all time up to keep an eye on your health, but some rules still apply. Some of the secrets are:

*****I often stay in the fresh air-no matter the season.
****Work easier exercise to the entire body held firm.
***Eat a well-balanced, with plenty of fruits, fresh vegetables, and not too sweet, fatty foods and calorie dessert.
**Water inside and out-Drink it in large amounts-necessary body-and every evening prepare a hot bath, and at morning you must  take a shower in cold water and rub with a towel. This combination will clear your skin and give it tone.
*I NEVER do not worry-because it concerns the sworn enemy of beauty.

P.S. ALWAYS BE HAPPY :)))))))))


1 коментар:

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